The Casella Vapex pump is a dedicated low flow, small profile, intrinsically safe pump. Specifically for low flow monitoring, the flow range is 20 milliliters to 500 milliliters. It has wireless Bluetooth capability that connects to Casella’s Airwave app, The app allows the person monitoring the pumps to see the current pump data as well as start and stop the pumps, and to pause the pumps.
The Vapex utilizes Casella’s simple operating menu structure so it’s very simple navigating to the menus. The Vapex has a long run time and a short charge time. A dead battery takes less than six hours to fully charge. The Vapex pump has the ability to auto calibrate with Casella’s Flow Detective Calibrator. The calibration can be done from the app, it’s a simple push button calibration, no tools required, no screwdrivers required.