RKI SP-220 Gas Leak Checker for Combustible, Toxic, Freon and Fumigation Gases

RKI SP-220 Gas Leak Checker for Combustible, Toxic, Freon and Fumigation Gases for fumigation, toxic-gas and LP gas check , leak checker.


  • Over 40 target gases available
  • Sensitivity and gas range automatically change based on selected target gas
  • Weighs only 7.5 ounces
  • Resistant to silicone poisoning
  • Silence gas alarms for discrete leak checking
  • Snap logging records and saves to up to 128 readings
  • Built-in LED lighting for dark and confined spaces
  • IP 55
  • 12 hours operation
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RKI SP-220 Gas Leak Checker for Combustible, Toxic, Freon and Fumigation Gases
Part No.
RKI SP220 gas leak checker type SC for super toxics
RKI SP220 gas leak checker type SC, SC for super toxics. RKI SP-220 Gas Leak Checker for Combustible, Toxic, Freon and Fumigation Gases For fumigation, toxic-gas and LP gas check, leak checker.
72-0064-05 SP-220
Min: 1
Step: 1
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RKI SP220 gas leak checker type SC for fumigation gases
RKI SP220 gas leak checker type SC
72-0064-06 SP-220
Min: 1
Step: 1
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RKI SP220 gas leak checker type M for methane
RKI SP220 gas leak checker type M for methane
72-0064-07 SP-220
Min: 1
Step: 1
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RKI SP220 gas leak checker type L for LPG
RKI SP220 gas leak checker type L for LPG
72-0064-08 SP-220
Min: 1
Step: 1
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RKI SP220 gas leak checker type F for chlorofluorocarbons CFC’s
RKI SP220 gas leak checker type F for chlorofluorocarbons CFC's. RKI SP-220 Gas Leak Checker for Combustible, Toxic, Freon and Fumigation Gases. For fumigation, toxic-gas and LP gas check, leak checker.
72-0064-09 SP-220
Min: 1
Step: 1
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RKI SP220 gas leak checker type H2 for hydrogen
RKI SP-220 Gas Leak Checker for Combustible, Toxic, Freon and Fumigation Gases. For fumigation, toxic-gas and LP gas check, leak checker.
72-0064-10 SP-220
Min: 1
Step: 1
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