Casella dBadge2 K5

Kit includes: (5) dBadge2 dosimeters; (1) CEL-120/2 acoustic calibrator; (1) 207107B/KIT charging base kit; (1) 207107B/EXT extension charging base; and (1) dB2Case/10 carrying case

SKU: dBadge2/K5 Category:


1 EA

Minus Quantity- Plus Quantity+

Casella dBadge2 K5 Kit includes: (5) dBadge2 dosimeters; (1) CEL-120/2 acoustic calibrator; (1) 207107B/KIT charging base kit; (1) 207107B/EXT extension charging base; and (1) dB2Case/10 carrying case.

Safety Inc.
119 Foster St, Bldg #6
Peabody MA 01960

Tel: (978) 532-7330
Fax: (978) 532-7325

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